INFO 290 or Investigative Forensics 290 is...
an academic travel course focusing on investigative methods
that will be studied at historic sites, in museums, and at other
locations in the world. The course includes both on-campus meetings
prior to departure and on-site lectures.
In May 2019, the inaugural trip will be led by...
Dr. Laura Moore (Chemistry), Dr. Christine Myers (History),
Dr. Audra Sostarecz (Chemistry) & Prof. Marta Tucker (Computer Science)
On this particular trip we
will be visiting historic sites related to the science behind code
breaking and crime solving in England and Scotland. Destinations
include Bletchley Park, the Old Operating Theatre in London, the Royal
Observatory in Greenwich, Surgeons' Hall Museums in Edinburgh, and a
Jack the Ripper walking tour.
Syllabus -- Facebook page -- EF Tours link
Assignment Details
Schedule of Travel with Resource Links
Tuesday 14 May: Fly to London on United @ 3:50 p.m.
O'Hare Terminal 1 Map
Heathrow Airport Guide
Premier Inn, Wembley Stadium
Getting to Wembley
Wednesday 15 May: London
Transport for London - The Tube
18 Bus Route from Wembley to Euston
Wembley Train Station - Chiltern Railways
Map of Greater London districts and boroughs
The London Eye
The Allegory
Thursday 16 May: London
The British Library
The British Museum
The London Transport Museum
The Natural History Museum
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
The Science Museum
The Sherlock Holmes Museum
The Victoria & Albert Museum
The Wellcome Collection
Friday 17 May: London
The Charles Dickens Museum
East End Women's Museum
The Florence Nightingale Museum
The Foundling Museum
Jack the Ripper Museum
The Jewish Museum
The Museum of London
The Old Operating Theatre
The Thames Police Museum
Saturday 18 May: Blecthley Park
Bletchley Park
Required reading: Secret Days - Codebreaking at Bletchley Park by Asa Briggs
Required viewing: The Imitation Game
Sunday 19 May: London
Churchill War Rooms
Royal Observatory in Greenwich
Suggested viewing: Darkest Hour & The King's Speech
Monday 20 May: Train to Edinburgh
King's Cross Station, London
Waverley Station, Edinburgh
Edinburgh Trams
Lothian Buses
Distillers House
The Jolly Botanist
Tuesday 21 May: Excursion into Fife
Tullibardine Distillery
Scotland's Secret Bunker
Kingsbarns Distillery
Wednesday 22 May: Glasgow
The Hunterian Museum
Thursday 23 May: Edinburgh
National Museum of Scotland
Surgeons' Hall Museums
Friday 24 May: Fly to Chicago on United @ 11:30 a.m.
Edinburgh Airport
Options for free time...
The Cauldron, London
City Sightseeing Glasgow
The Game is Now
Harry Potter London Tour
Frankenstein Edinburgh
The Potter Trail, Edinburgh
The Real Mary King's Close, Edinburgh
TKTS London - Official London Theatre
Tower Bridge, London
Embassy & Consulate Information
U.S. Embassy in the U.K. -- Alerts and Messages
U.S. Consulate General in Edinburgh Emergency Contact Info