eturn to Schedule


Links used in class...

The Churchill Centre

Map of the European Union

EuroparlTV video on the Treaties of Rome

Archive footage of the signing of the Treaties of Rome

Britain's admission to the E.E.C. blocked...

*** Primary Source from Test #1 ***

E.U. Map (Note: Denmark is not labelled for some reason)

Belgian Chocolate

Cadbury Flake

Cadbury's Chocolate Charmer Advert

"Pure Chocolate" in Italy

Sardinian Casu marzu cheese

E.U. Enlargement Map

The E.U. Explained

Regulations for the European Union flag

Information on the Transatlantic Economic Partnership

The Transatlantic Economic Council

Information on the banana wars

More on the banana wars

Homepage of the World Trade Organization

The European Central Bank's page on Euros

The launch of Captain Euro

Political System of the European Union

Decision-making Process in the E.U.

"Malcontent parties in the new parliament"

"The European Debt Crisis Visualized"

Future enlargement of the European Union

"Long Story Short Catalonia"