Historic Photographs

Week 1 - People

Sample photographs

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Reference links

National Geographic Photography Timeline

History Detectives on Analyzing Photos

"Making Sense of Documentary Photography"

Featured photograph collections at the Library of Congress


Brady-Handy Collection

African-American Photographs Assembled for 1900 Paris Exposition

Bain Collection

National Child Labor Committee Collection

Ansel Adams photos of Manzanar

Additional research tools

 Google Images

Corbis Images

Getty Images


Christine's YouTube Channel

Week 2 - Places

Sample photographs

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3A | Photo 3B
Photo 4
Photo 5

Reference links

Landscape photography: documentary and the modern sublime

How The Other Half Lives, by Jacob Riis

Panoramic photography

Featured photograph collections at the Library of Congress

Fenton Crimean War Photographs

Photochrom Prints

Panoramic Photographs

Matson Photograph Collection

Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South

Korab Collection

Additional research tools

Google Maps Street View

What Was There | Explore Photos

SkyscraperPage Forum


One Month in Nepal

Week 3 - Things

Sample photographs

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3A | Photo 3B | Photo 3C
Photo 4
Photo 5

Reference links

Commercial Photography

“Top 10 Time-Lapse Videos Show Nature at Work”

“12 Long-Exposure & Time-Lapse Photographers”

Featured photograph collections at the Library of Congress

Stereograph Cards

Tissandier Collection

Wright Brothers Negatives

 World's Transportation Commission

Curtis (Edward S.) Collection

Johnston (Frances Benjamin) Collection

Additional research tools


Facebook > San Fernando Valley Relics

Flickr | Photobucket | Pixlr

Snapfish | Shutterfly