World Civilization II
(Since 1715)


Extra Credit Options
Professor's Contact Details



Evaluation: Material read for and discussed during Monday/Wednesday lecture sessions will be tested on a regular basis in a format which will include a map of a specified region(s) of the world, as well as short answer questions on people, events & selected vocabulary. Material read for discussion groups on Monday or Thursday will be tested on the final exam which will be in essay format (more details to follow as the semester progresses). Your grade will breakdown as follows…

  • Test 1 – 15% (Thursday Sept. 24 or Monday Sept. 27)
  • Test 2 – 15% (Thursday Oct. 14 or Monday Oct. 18)
  • Test 3 – 15% (Thursday Nov. 11 or Monday Nov. 15)
  • Test 4 – 15% (Monday Nov. 29 or Thursday Dec. 2)
  • Final Exam – 40% (Tuesday Dec. 21 at 5:00pm in Doudna 301)


Class Participation & Attendance: According to the UWP Catalog, “ The administration and the faculty assume students will attend classes regularly…. Students are responsible for all work missed through unexcused absence. Instructors are not obligated to seek out or counsel students concerning absenteeism or to allow such students any special consideration.

When students wish to participate in field trips or other extracurricular or cocurricular activities, prior approval must be obtained from the instructors of classes that will be missed. Students should contact the instructors when they return to classes, and of course, they are expected to make up any missed work.

Sometimes absence from class is unavoidable because of illness. Such illness should be reported to Student Health Services. Emergencies other than illness which cause absence from classes should be reported to the Student Affairs Office. …Such students are expected to meet with their instructors as soon as possible after the crisis has passed and arrange to make up any missed work .”

For the purposes of our course, I will trust that students will take responsibility for their education, and will attend all courses unless they are totally physically incapable of doing so. As an added incentive to attend class regularly, students who miss no more than two discussion sections (without an acceptable excuse) will be eligible for the Extra Credit Options listed at this website.

Class participation is also an essential component to your learning, so I encourage all students to do their best to participate in group discussions. No portion of your grade is allotted to participation, but it may be used to boost a borderline grade.

Grading Scale:

A (100%-90%), B (89.9%-80%), C (79.9%-70%), D (69.9%-60%), F (below 60%)


Academic Honesty: According to the UWP Catalog, “ The university may discipline a student for academic dishonesty, including any of the following or similar examples of false representation of a student's performance: cheating on an examination; collaborating with others on work to be presented unless specifically allowed by the instructor; plagiarizing, including submitting the work of others as one's own (whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained); stealing examinations; falsifying records or data; submitting work previously presented in another course, unless specifically allowed by the instructor; or participating in an arrangement whereby work, classroom activity, or an examination is done by another person .” This includes materials obtained from the internet.


**Any student eligible for and needing academic adjustments or accommodations because of a disability is asked to speak with Prof. Myers during the first two weeks of class.




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